Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I had just settle down to do an album for my friend Ikki and Erick, well, partly because I was ask to go to a bunch of client meeting with print work. Yes, I have been getting jobs solely base on website portfolio and referral. Anyhow, the meetings went great and the push for me to do a portfolio was so great that I am now thinking to do a book via flickr. I think I will get down to that after Michelle's wedding but before Donny is born.

Anyway, back to the album. These are all on 8.5 x 11 since I printed these at home. For the church part, I did all layout in photoshop...then all of the reception one were done in lightroom Print module. Here are a few example:

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About Me

Vancouver, BC, Canada
I am a mother who spoil her son, a daughter who had been spoil rotten; A woman that let her man roam free as long as he listens to me, and a friend who felt like she never care enough. I am a photographer that take quirky photos and has a wicked sense of humor. I am IN LOVE with my son, and have a husband who is my number 1 fan. I tense and tear up at TV and movie, and translate all of my rages and emotion to my photographs. I suck at verbal communication but people amaze at my creation. Like the song said, I am not innocent and sweet. I am just bubble-ly weired, confused like the rest of the world.